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05:16 Add attachment kitcreator-0.11.0.diff to ticket [55f484c18c] artifact: 9820d53cd8 user: anonymous
02:45 New ticket [55f484c18c] The second argument of Tcl_StaticPackage() should be properly capitalized.. artifact: 609a27849c user: anonymous

Ticket Hash: 55f484c18c30a9ed9e7ef36b5dfb43163763f6c7
Title: The second argument of Tcl_StaticPackage() should be properly capitalized.
Status: Open Type: Build Problem
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2019-02-26 02:45:14
Version Found In: 0.11.0
The second argument of Tcl_StaticPackage() C-function (pkgName) should be properly capitalized as the package name.

For example, pkgName should be "Ffidl" instead of "ffidl" for Ffidl package.
