Check-in [fe142d1843]
Comment:Updated to include sub-directories from header files (for Win32 support)

Fixed issue with regexp used to replace refernces to -ltcl/-ltk for KitDLL SDK

Fixed issue with selecting library file on Win32

Updated to pull libraries from KitSH for KitDLL SDK to avoid picking wrong file if one is already in the current directory

Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | tcl-sdk-support
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA1: fe142d1843af4ff1b0f41b928bb0c50733118153
User & Date: rkeene on 2011-11-14 07:10:04
Other Links: branch diff | manifest | tags
Corrected typo check-in: 8d015538ad user: rkeene tags: tcl-sdk-support
Updated to include sub-directories from header files (for Win32 support)

Fixed issue with regexp used to replace refernces to -ltcl/-ltk for KitDLL SDK

Fixed issue with selecting library file on Win32

Updated to pull libraries from KitSH for KitDLL SDK to avoid picking wrong file if one is already in the current directory check-in: fe142d1843 user: rkeene tags: tcl-sdk-support

Added documentation on KitDLL SDK check-in: 6f5ce08b75 user: rkeene tags: tcl-sdk-support