Check-in [587e28b4b3]
Comment:Added support for using an icon and file information resource under Windows

Allow the user to place a kit.ico and kit.rc in root dir to replace one built into tclkit

Copied tclsh RC and icon as default

Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA1: 587e28b4b30d6ec7c6940c7a72b751a10c212d89
User & Date: rkeene on 2010-09-26 04:43:32
Other Links: manifest | tags
Added unmodified zipvfs from tclvfs 20080503 check-in: 91c236fce7 user: rkeene tags: trunk
Added support for using an icon and file information resource under Windows

Allow the user to place a kit.ico and kit.rc in root dir to replace one built into tclkit

Copied tclsh RC and icon as default check-in: 587e28b4b3 user: rkeene tags: trunk

Changed configuration encoding to use UTF-8 to work around bug where tcl::pkgconfig doesn't work because it's populated with the specified encoding, which may be a file on disk and not available. check-in: ec2b0ff806 user: rkeene tags: trunk