Artifact [fa17a7dcc9]

Artifact fa17a7dcc9f15a59512b03d66743597e6dc2f899:

#! /usr/bin/env tclsh

set outdir "/web/customers/"
set info [list]
if {[info exists ::env(PATH_INFO)]} {
	set info [lmap item [split $::env(PATH_INFO) /] {
		if {$item eq ""} {
		return -level 0 $item
set key [lindex $info end]
set resultFormat "html"
if {[llength $info] > 1} {
	set resultFormat [lindex $info 0]

set status "Unknown"
set terminal 0
if {![regexp {^[0-9a-f]+$} $key]} {
	set status "Invalid Key"
	set terminal 1

	unset key

if {[info exists key]} {
	set workdir [file join $outdir $key]

if {[info exists workdir]} {
	if {[file exists $workdir]} {
		set fd [open [file join $workdir buildinfo]]
		set buildinfo_list [gets $fd]
		close $fd
		array set buildinfo $buildinfo_list
		set filename $buildinfo(filename)

		set outfile [file join $workdir $filename]
		set logfile "${outfile}.log"
	} else {
		set status "Queued"

if {[info exists buildinfo]} {
	set description "Tcl $buildinfo(tcl_version)"
	append description ", KitCreator $buildinfo(kitcreator_version)"
	append description ", Platform $buildinfo(platform)"

	foreach {option value} $buildinfo(options) {
		switch -- $option {
			"kitdll" {
				if {$value} {
					append description ", Built as a Library"
			"dynamictk" {
				if {$value} {
					if {[lsearch -exact $buildinfo(packages) "tk"] != -1} {
						append description ", Forced Tk Dynamic Linking"
			"threaded" {
				if {$value} {
					append description ", Threaded"
				} else {
					append description ", Unthreaded"
			"debug" {
				if {$value} {
					append description ", With Symbols"
			"minbuild" {
				if {$value} {
					append description ", Without Tcl pkgs/ and all encodings"
			"staticlibssl" {
				if {$value} {
					append description ", Statically linked to LibSSL"
			"staticpkgs" {
				if {$value} {
					append description ", With Tcl 8.6+ pkgs/ directory all packages statically linked in"
			"storage" {
				switch -- $value {
					"mk4" {
						append description ", Metakit-based"
					"zip" {
						append description ", Zip-kit"
					"cvfs" {
						append description ", Static Storage"

	if {[llength $buildinfo(packages)] > 0} {
		append description ", Packages: [join $buildinfo(packages) {, }]"
	} else {
		append description ", No packages"

if {[info exists outfile]} {
	if {[file exists $outfile]} {
		set status "Complete"
		set terminal 1

		set url "$key/$filename"
	} elseif {[file exists "${outfile}.buildfail"]} {
		set status "Failed"
		set terminal 1
	} else {
		set status "Building"

if {$resultFormat in {json dict}} {
	set terminalBoolean [lindex {false true} $terminal]

switch -exact -- $resultFormat {
	"html" {
		# Handled below
	"json" {
		puts "Content-Type: application/json"
		puts ""
		if {$status eq "Complete"} {
			puts "{\"status\":\"[string tolower $status]\", \"terminal\": $terminalBoolean, \"kit_url\":\"$url\"}"
		} else {
			puts "{\"status\":\"[string tolower $status]\", \"terminal\": $terminalBoolean}"
		exit 0
	"dict" {
		puts "Content-Type: text/plain"
		puts ""
		if {$status eq "Complete"} {
			puts [dict create \
				status [string tolower $status] \
				terminal $terminalBoolean \
				kit_url $url \
		} else {
			puts [dict create \
				status [string tolower $status] \
				terminal $terminalBoolean \
		exit 0
	default {
		exit 1

puts "Content-Type: text/html"
if {[info exists url]} {
	# Use a refresh here instead of a "Location" so that
	# the client can see the page
	puts "Refresh: 0;url=$url"
} else {
	if {!$terminal} {
		puts "Refresh: 30;url=."
puts ""
puts "<html>"
puts "\t<head>"
puts "\t\t<title>KitCreator, Web Interface</title>"
puts "\t</head>"
puts "\t<body>"
puts "\t\t<h1>KitCreator Web Interface</h1>"
puts "\t\t<p><b>Status:</b> $status"
if {[info exists url]} {
	puts "\t\t<p><b>URL:</b> <a href=\"$url\">$url</a>"
if {[info exists description]} {
	puts "\t\t<p><b>Description:</b> $description"
if {[info exists logfile]} {
	catch {
		set fd [open $logfile]
		set logdata [read $fd]
		close $fd

		puts "\t\t<p><b>Log:</b><pre>\n$logdata</pre>"
puts "\t</body>"
puts "</html>"