Artifact 1f0ad140509a60ee2c6c686cbc9dba29ce5175ca:
- Executable file
2010-09-29 23:15:37
— part of check-in
on branch trunk
— Created GNU autoconf script for KitDLL
Made KitDLL build a shared object
Added test driver (user: rkeene, size: 31743) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
2010-10-02 08:58:00
— part of check-in
on branch trunk
— Updated to set runtime linker path on drivers to "." rather than pwd
Updated setting runtime linker path to use more compatible option (user: rkeene, size: 31743) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
2010-09-29 23:15:37
— part of check-in
on branch trunk
— Created GNU autoconf script for KitDLL
- Executable file
- 2010-09-26 04:39:56 — part of check-in [19963bc8da] on branch trunk — Updated to build under i586-mingw32msvc (user: rkeene, size: 31743) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]