Changes In Branch tcc Through [35718d9982] Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 1a5bbc4282 to 35718d9982
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20:36 | Fixes for zlib on other platforms check-in: b62450459c user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
20:36 | Updated with fixes for TCC on Win32 Closed-Leaf check-in: 93b2be7812 user: rkeene tags: tcc | |
16:33 | Updated to more accepting of C compilers when fixing up TCC check-in: 35718d9982 user: rkeene tags: tcc | |
14:02 | Updated to include many Tcl symbols check-in: 437d69d82c user: rkeene tags: tcc | |
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04:17 | Started work on adding TclTCC package check-in: 2a6f69ee57 user: rkeene tags: tcc | |
04:13 | Work towards upgrading zlib -- untested on most platforms check-in: 1a5bbc4282 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
04:12 | Minor whitespace change check-in: a12c65d1e5 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
Added .fossil-settings/crnl-glob version [f35e2eb18c].
Added .fossil-settings/ignore-glob version [1a05efe8ce].
Modified kitcreator from [e140ad3217] to [3d5aec022e]. [diff]
Added tcc/ version [bb5492c154].
Added tcc/patches/all/tcltcc-0.4-fixloading.diff version [59d3bfe7e9].
Added tcc/patches/all/tcltcc-0.4-setincpath.diff version [f1fe8f9975].
Added tcc/patchscripts/ version [b31d022289].