View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 4ca08269e0a566753564e7732372d33c4e3005db
Title: How to build tclsh kit
Status: Open Type: Build Problem
Severity: Minor Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Tcl Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2015-02-17 03:53:15
Version Found In: 0.9.2
How to build tclsh kit.

KITCREATOR_PKGS has tk or not, tclkit shows root window and console.
User Comments:
rkeene added on 2015-02-17 03:53:15:
If you do not include Tk then it cannot have a Tk "root" Window.  Tk is getting built, so KITCREATOR_PKGS is not being set correctly.

Additionally, if you want to build Tk but not have a root window, you can link Tk dynamically instead of statically using STATICTK