View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 08f731aa3b74a1909a403d550e793d1e1c70cbab
Title: C-VFS: glob file*.ext finds nothing while glob Ü.ext finds "file.ext"
Status: Open Type: Code Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Tcl Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2020-05-29 15:36:10
Version Found In: trunk 2020-01-22
Dear Roy,

thank you for great C-VFS.

I have a strange phenomenon with glob within C-VFS:
% glob -directory $::starkit::tclkitroot -nocomplain -types f *.tcl
C:/.KITDLL_TCL/main.tcl C:/.KITDLL_TCL/runme.tcl
% glob -directory $::starkit::tclkitroot -nocomplain -types f run*.tcl

% glob -directory $::starkit::tclkitroot -nocomplain -types f {*.t[</span>xc<span class="sh_symbol">][</span>tl<span class="sh_symbol">]}
C:/.KITDLL_TCL/main.tcl C:/.KITDLL_TCL/runme.tcl C:/.KITDLL_TCL/runme.txt

So if there is a pattern with "abc*.txt", nothing is found, but the pattern "*.txt" works.

I may investigate further myself.

Thank you,
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2020-05-29 15:36:10:
The interesting editor has quite scrambled the example.

Here is the example again:

% glob -directory $::starkit::tclkitroot -nocomplain -types f *.tcl
C:/.KITDLL_TCL/main.tcl C:/.KITDLL_TCL/runme.tcl
% glob -directory $::starkit::tclkitroot -nocomplain -types f run*.tcl

% glob -directory $::starkit::tclkitroot -nocomplain -types f {*.t[xc][tl]}
C:/.KITDLL_TCL/main.tcl C:/.KITDLL_TCL/runme.tcl C:/.KITDLL_TCL/runme.txt
