
34 check-ins going from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1

18:49 KitCreator 0.6.1

Updated to download Tk by tag first, if possible, then by date if not check-in: d2a98c553c user: rkeene tags: trunk, 0.6.1

18:42 Updated to build Solaris/SPARC tests targetting Solaris 8 check-in: acb9725083 user: rkeene tags: trunk
20:39 Updated to copy more files from unix/ to macosx/ in Tcl and Tk check-in: 8271861c61 user: rkeene tags: trunk
20:20 Updated to hide warnings while running kitcreator distclean in pre.sh

Added workaround for Mac OS X referencing headers in "tclInt.h" that it does not setup a way access using tclConfig.sh check-in: b13d288f20 user: rkeene tags: trunk

19:54 Fixed bug in checking for the need to run "build/pre.sh" check-in: eaa71f15f8 user: rkeene tags: trunk
19:26 Updated to warn if KitCreator is run and "pre.sh" has not been run check-in: 95c04d527f user: rkeene tags: trunk
19:08 Updated to not use broken pre-generated Makefiles with Tk check-in: fb277571b4 user: rkeene tags: trunk
19:04 Updated to not use broken pre-generated Makefiles check-in: e51ad4b533 user: rkeene tags: trunk
15:31 Updated to try to build Tk in the same sub-directory as Tcl first

Updated Tcl to try to build in the macosx directory first on Darwin check-in: a6a6c489dc user: rkeene tags: trunk

13:40 Updated to format time in ISO-8601 format check-in: d9fcf6ad4a user: rkeene tags: trunk
13:35 Fixed typo check-in: 7ea2ce6e68 user: rkeene tags: trunk
00:36 Fixed issue test not creating KitDLLs that are debugging check-in: 806626aa83 user: rkeene tags: trunk
20:00 Added support for creating debug symbols builds check-in: 57ce9464cc user: rkeene tags: trunk
18:25 Updated to pass "wget" errors from Tcl build up to stderr check-in: fd32e55ed8 user: rkeene tags: trunk
18:15 Added a "bigbuild" option to testing check-in: 335b6cb191 user: rkeene tags: trunk
16:10 Updated to support a large test build suite if requested

Minor cleanup of test script check-in: 1ebadabb1d user: rkeene tags: trunk

01:11 Updated to specify full path to C compiler when adjusting path (this fixes tclsh builds for KitDLL)

Updated to not test NetBSD/i386 Tk since NetBSD/i386 has no X11 libraries check-in: f0be818478 user: rkeene tags: trunk

19:56 Added more build targets to the test check-in: 3cff1ace94 user: rkeene tags: trunk
19:53 Added more cross-compilers

Updated cross-compiling to use a fake "uname" to deal with Tcl's broken-ness with respect to cross-compiling check-in: 8efaf47298 user: rkeene tags: trunk

23:49 Added more cross-compiler build scripts

Added more cross-compiled tests check-in: 250028d1d6 user: rkeene tags: trunk

22:52 Added missing build flag check-in: e125d9df77 user: rkeene tags: trunk
19:08 Updated to not force setting of starkit::topdir, this would break starkits

Updated zipseek test to use $tcl_library to find Tclkit root check-in: 49d6a04e90 user: rkeene tags: trunk

03:02 Updated to set "starkit::topdir" so that it is always correct, even with KitDLL

Updated mk4vfs zlib compressed seek test to use starkit::topdir check-in: f8234649a5 user: rkeene tags: trunk

19:56 Add a test for the zip seek bugfix (95d3afb4e9) check-in: 0ebd562749 user: sbron tags: trunk
13:59 Fix seek operations with native zlib support. Without this fix creating images from gif files inside a starkit would frequently fail with an error message of: couldn't read GIF header from file XXX. check-in: 95d3afb4e9 user: sbron tags: trunk
17:21 Updated to not switch back to dynamic linking if static linking has been requested check-in: cb7271fcc4 user: rkeene tags: trunk
17:28 Updated additional build scripts to not attempt download if "buildsrc" directory is being used check-in: d860d314dd user: rkeene tags: trunk
17:26 Updated to not attempt to download source if "buildsrc" directory is being used for Tcl/Tk check-in: 361d408d67 user: rkeene tags: trunk
17:25 Corrected bug in KitDLL where additional interpreters would not get their auto_path adjusted correctly check-in: e2f0284dd2 user: rkeene tags: trunk
21:15 Added support for forcing build check-in: 37fc9e9fae user: rkeene tags: trunk
12:03 Updated notes about kitsh

Added notes about plugability check-in: 5421b32beb user: rkeene tags: trunk

18:44 Upgraded test suite to use Tcl/Tk 8.5.10 check-in: 75999463a7 user: rkeene tags: trunk
15:40 Added executable bit back, AGAIN! check-in: a0ab236261 user: rkeene tags: trunk
05:39 KitCreator 0.6.0 check-in: 000da8e97d user: rkeene tags: trunk, 0.6.0