Artifact [ed4af58f56]

Artifact ed4af58f562d43ae17cdc23eca13cdf1bf271e4d:

This will build a Tclkit named "tclkit-<version>".

	kitcreator [{<version> | cvs_<cvsTag> | clean | distclean}]

		version            is a Tcl version number (e.g., 8.4.19)
		cvsTag             is a CVS release tag (e.g., HEAD)
		configure_options  are options to pass to subordinate configure
		                   scripts (e.g., --enable-64bit)

	Default is to create a Tclkit from Tcl version 8.4.19

	1. Create a Tclkit for Tcl 8.5.8:
		a. $ ./kitcreator 8.5.8

	2. Create a Tclkit for Tcl from CVS HEAD:
		a. $ ./kitcreator cvs_HEAD

	3. Compile a 64-bit Tclkit:
		a. $ ./kitcreator --enable-64bit

	4. Cross-compile a Tclkit:
		a. Bootstrap (optional, you can use an existing Tclkit):
			i.   $ ./kitcreator
			ii.  $ mv tclkit-8.4.19 tclkit-local
			iii. $ TCLKIT="`pwd`/tclkit-local"
			iv.  $ export TCLKIT
		b. Cross-compile:
			i.   $ CC=mipsel-linux-uclibc-gcc
			ii.  $ AR=mipsel-linux-uclibc-ar
			iii. $ RANLIB=mipsel-linux-uclibc-ranlib
			iv.  $ export CC AR RANLIB
		v.   $ ./kitcreator --host=mipsel-linux-uclibc

	5. Compile a 64-bit Tclkit 8.5.8 using SunStudio 12.1 on Solaris/x86:
		a. $ CC='/opt/sunstudio12.1/bin/cc -m64'
		b. $ CXX='/opt/sunstudio12.1/bin/CC -m64'
		c. $ export CC CXX
		d. $ ./kitcreator 8.5.8 --enable-64bit

	6. To clean up post-build:
		a. $ ./kitcreator clean

Environment variables:
	1. MAKE
		Specifies the tool you wish to be called to build targets
		from a Makefile.  This script is generally more well tested
		with GNU Make.

		Specifies the tool you wish to be called to apply unified
		diff patches.  This script is generally more well tested with
		GNU Patch. 

		Specify the path to a Tclkit that is runnable on the current
		system.  The default is "tclkit".  A working tclkit is required
		for cross-compiling Tclkits.