Update of "Release History"

Artifact ID: d5204f9f6d07efb2c67a5913171615691454f55b
Page Name:Release History
Date: 2011-05-16 05:22:06
Original User: rkeene
Parent: 346ef7891b5d3df10814b7681b9661c8049c9ded (diff)
Next 7aefa54c644a30b7a9faadaf20827ecb4d918a31
  1. KitCreator 0.0.1 - Initial separation from other projects (no release)
  2. KitCreator 0.0.2 - Minor fixes (no release)
  3. KitCreator 0.0.3 - Cleanup (no release)
  4. KitCreator 0.0.4 - CVS compiling support (first release)
  5. KitCreator 0.0.5 - Cleaned up Metakit4 support
    1. KitCreator - Added support for "buildsrc" directories to all sub-projects
    2. KitCreator - Updated to support a TCLKIT environment variable
    1. KitCreator - 64-bit (especially SPARC) fixes, and started adding cross-compiling support
    2. KitCreator - Enabled Mk4vfs compression
  6. KitCreator 0.0.8 - Cross-compiling support and improved for Win32 and Linux/MIPSEL
  7. KitCreator 0.1.0 - Zlib package added to allow static linking and HP-UX fixes
  8. KitCreator 0.2.0 - Pure-tcl read-only Mk4 implementation; Added Thread package support added; Fixed Windows build issues
  9. KitCreator 0.2.1 - Fixed failure to clean kitsh directory when producing releases
  10. KitCreator 0.2.2 - Updated to latest zlib (note: this caused build failures on non-UNIX systems)
  11. KitCreator 0.2.3 - Further work on Pure-Tcl Mk4 implementation
  12. KitCreator 0.2.4 - Statically link to Zlib
  13. KitCreator 0.3.0 - Zip storage added if Mk4 fails to build; Fixed bug in Windows builds where Tk was unusable; Reverted to working version of zlib; Fixed bug in "tcl::pkgconfig"
  14. KitCreator 0.3.1 - Added support for "--enable-kit-storage" option to allow user to specify what storage mechanism to use
  15. KitCreator 0.3.2 - Fixed bug in sync logic if new "--enable-kit-storage" option is used
  16. KitCreator 0.3.3 - Fixed bug preventing "Mk4tcl" package from being "package required" even if present when using Zip Tclkit storage
  17. KitCreator 0.3.4 - Fixed issue causing kit initialization failure when not boot strapping
  18. KitCreator 0.4.0 - Added support for detecting encoding from the environment. Some Tcl 8.6+ features integrated (zlib). Updated to use platform-specific calls to find ourselves. Fixed major issue with Zip kit storage and new interpreters
  19. KitCreator 0.5.0 - KitDLL released
  20. KitCreator 0.5.1 - Added "zlib" to KitDLL, fixing support for compressed files within a Zip archive
  21. KitCreator 0.5.2 - Updated to support building Metakit4 dynamically, but falling back to static building if that fails
  22. KitCreator 0.5.3 - Added patch for Mk4tcl regarding asynchronous fcopy, and additional platform patches.
  23. KitCreator 0.5.4 - Moved Tcl (and packages that are included in a release) and Tk "CVS" downloads to be pulled from Fossil on "core.tcl.tk"; Fixed various KitDLL related issues
  24. KitCreator 0.6.0 - Tcl 8.5 made the default (future)
  25. KitCreator 0.7.0 - Tcl 8.6 features will be integrated more heavily (future)
  26. KitCreator 1.0.0 - Stable long term release, Tcl 8.6 made the default (future)