Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: abe5b146cdaf998641d6401b050e7ce52e0bf14a
Ticket: 3428b6ae064933214eaf92b8326bbd49db08be61
tclkit could not read mk4 vfs
User & Date: anonymous on 2015-02-03 03:16:21

  1. comment changed to:
    Built in Windows7 32-bit MinGW as following.<br />$ uname<br />MINGW32_NT-6.1<br />$ cd kitcreator-0.9.2<br />$&nbsp; TCLSH_NATIVE=tclkitsh-8.5.17-win32-ix86.exe&nbsp; TCLKIT=tclkitsh-8.5.17-win32-ix86.exe ./kitcreator 8.5.17 --enable-kit-storage=mk4<br /><br />and run tclkit-8.5.17.exe, displayed a dialog as following.<br /><br />A critical error has occurred. Please report this to the Tclkit vendor.<br />Interpreter Returned: couldn't read file<br />"C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/kitcreator/kitcreator-0.9.2/tclkit<br />-8.5.17.exe/lib/tcl8.5/init.tcl": no such file or directory<br />Error Info: couldn't read file<br />"C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/kitcreator/kitcreator-0.9.2/tclkit<br />-8.5.17.exe/lib/tcl8.5/init.tcl": no such file or directory<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; while executing<br />"source<br />"C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/kitcreator/kitcreator-0.9.2/tclkit<br />-8.5.17.exe/lib/tcl8.5/init.tcl"<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; ("uplevel" body line 1)<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; invoked from within<br />"uplevel #0 [list source [file join $tcl_library init.tcl]]<br />"<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; (procedure "tclInit" line 152)<br />"tclInit"<br />
  2. foundin changed to: "0.9.2"
  3. login: "anonymous"
  4. severity changed to: "Critical"
  5. status changed to: "Open"
  6. title changed to: "tclkit could not read mk4 vfs"
  7. type changed to: "Build Problem"