History of mk4tcl/patches/all/metakit- of 0da828bbfa69d3f5f19606cb88ebae3a1a473f91

History of the file that is called mk4tcl/patches/all/metakit- at check-in 0da828bbfa69d3f5f19606cb88ebae3a1a473f91

Added: Updated to statically link against libstdc++ on HP/UX

Added patch to metakit to not call "autoconf"

Fixed issue with sh on HP/UX (source versus ".")

Added support for statically linking to libgcc file: [2f776fb8ca] check-in: [8ef7a1eb1a] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 448 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]