index.rvt at [e9fdb85e3f]

File build/web/kitcreator.vfs/index.rvt artifact 6e02118269 part of check-in e9fdb85e3f

	package require sha1

	load_response args

	proc normalize_platform {platform platform_names} {
		set platform [string tolower $platform]
		if {$platform in $platform_names} {
			return $platform

		set platform [regsub {[-]x86_64$} $platform {-amd64}]
		set platform [regsub {[-]sun4[muv]$} $platform {-sparc}]
		if {$platform in $platform_names} {
			return $platform

	proc versionEncoded {versionString} {
		set output 0

		if {$versionString eq "trunk"} {
			return [versionEncoded "255.255.255"]

		foreach element [lrange [split $versionString .] 0 2] {
			if {![string is integer -strict $element]} {
				return "\"$versionString\""

			set output [expr {($output << 8) | $element}]

		return $output

	set sourcedir "/web/rkeene/devel/kitcreator/all"
	set queue "/home/rkeene/devel/kitcreator/build/web/queue"
	set secretfile "/home/rkeene/etc/kitcreator-web-secret"

	# KitCreator Versions
	foreach file [glob -tails -nocomplain -directory $sourcedir "kitcreator-*.tar.gz"] {
		regexp {^kitcreator-(.*).tar.gz$} $file -> vers
		set kitcreator_versions($vers) $vers
	set kitcreator_version_selected [lindex [lsort -dictionary [array names kitcreator_versions]] end]

	set kitcreator_versions(trunk) "Fossil Trunk Tip"

	# Tcl Versions
	set tcl_versions(8.5.15) 8.5.15
	set tcl_versions(8.5.16) 8.5.16
	set tcl_versions(8.5.17) 8.5.17
	set tcl_versions(8.5.18) 8.5.18
	set tcl_versions(8.5.19) 8.5.19
	set tcl_versions(8.6.1) 8.6.1
	set tcl_versions(8.6.2) 8.6.2
	set tcl_versions(8.6.3) 8.6.3
	set tcl_versions(8.6.4) 8.6.4
	set tcl_versions(8.6.5) 8.6.5
	set tcl_versions(8.6.6) 8.6.6
	set tcl_versions(8.6.7) 8.6.7
	set tcl_versions(8.6.8) 8.6.8
	set tcl_versions(8.6.9) 8.6.9
	set tcl_versions(fossil_trunk) "Fossil Trunk Tip"

	set tcl_version_list [lsort -dictionary [array names tcl_versions]]
	set tcl_version_selected [lindex $tcl_version_list end-1]

	# Platforms
	set platforms(android-arm) "Android/ARM"
	set platforms(freebsd-amd64) "FreeBSD/amd64"
	set platforms(hpux-hppa64) "HP-UX/PA-RISC 2.0"
	set platforms(aix-ppc) "AIX/POWER"
	set platforms(linux-amd64) "Linux/amd64"
	set platforms(linux-amd64-static) "Linux/amd64 (static)"
	set platforms(linux-arm) "Linux/ARM"
	set platforms(linux-aarch64) "Linux/AArch64"
	set platforms(linux-i386) "Linux/i386"
	set platforms(linux-i386-static) "Linux/i386 (static)"
	set platforms(linux-mipsel) "Linux/MIPS (static)"
	set platforms(netbsd-amd64) "NetBSD/amd64"
	set platforms(netbsd-i386) "NetBSD/i386"
	set platforms(solaris-amd64) "Solaris/amd64"
	set platforms(solaris-i386) "Solaris/i386"
	set platforms(solaris-sparc) "Solaris/SPARC"
	set platforms(solaris-sparc64) "Solaris/SPARC64"
	set platforms(macosx-i386) "Mac OS X/i386"
	set platforms(macosx-amd64) "Mac OS X/amd64"
	set platforms(macosx-ppc) "Mac OS X/ppc"
	set platforms(macosx-ppc64) "Mac OS X/ppc64"
	set platforms(win32) "Windows/i386"
	set platforms(win64) "Windows/amd64"

	set packages(tk) "Tk"
	set packages(mk4tcl) "Metakit"
	set packages(tcc4tcl) "tcc4tcl"
	set packages(tls) TLS
	set packages(dbus) D-BUS
	set packages(tclx) TclX
	set packages(itcl) {[incr Tcl]}
	set packages(tcllib) "Tcllib"
	set packages(yajltcl) "YAJL-TCL"
	set packages(udp) "TclUDP"
	set packages(nsf) "Next Scripting Framework"
	set packages(tdom) "tDOM"
	set packages(tuapi) "Tcl UNIX API"
	set packages(lmdb) "LMDB"
	set packages(tclcurl) "cURL"
	set packages(duktape) "Duktape"

	set options_info(threaded) "Kit: Threaded"
	set options_info(kitdll) "Kit: Build Library (KitDLL)"
	set options_info(debug) "Kit: Debugging Build"
	set options_info(dynamictk) "Kit: Always link Tk dynamically (if Tk is built)"
	set options_info(minbuild) "Kit: \"Minimal\" build (remove extra packages shipped as part of Tcl and reduce encodings)"
	set options_info(staticlibssl) "TLS: Statically link to LibSSL"
	set options_info(buildlibssl) "TLS: Build LibreSSL for this platform"
	set options_info(staticpkgs) "Kit: Statically link packages in pkgs directory"
	set options_info(tclutfmax6) "Kit: TCL_UTF_MAX=6 (incompatibility with standard Tcl)"

	set disable {
		platform linux-mipsel {package_tk package_tcc4tcl package_tclx kitdll}
		platform android-arm {package_tk package_tclx}
		platform freebsd-amd64 {package_tuapi}
		platform hpux-hppa64 {package_tuapi}
		platform aix-ppc {package_tuapi kitdll}
		platform netbsd-amd64 {package_tk package_tcc4tcl package_tclx package_tuapi}
		platform netbsd-i386 {package_tk package_tcc4tcl package_tclx package_tuapi}
		platform solaris-sparc {package_tcc4tcl package_tclx package_tuapi}
		platform solaris-sparc64 {package_tcc4tcl package_tclx package_tuapi}
		platform hpux-hppa64 {package_tcc4tcl package_tclx package_tuapi}
		platform linux-arm {package_tk package_tclx}
		platform linux-aarch64 {package_tk package_tclx}
		platform linux-amd64-static {package_tk package_dbus kitdll}
		platform linux-i386-static {package_tk package_dbus kitdll}
		platform macosx-ppc {package_dbus package_tcc4tcl package_tuapi}
		platform macosx-ppc64 {package_dbus package_tcc4tcl package_tuapi}
		platform macosx-i386 {package_dbus package_tuapi}
		platform macosx-amd64 {package_dbus package_tuapi}
		platform win32 {package_tuapi}
		platform win64 {package_tuapi}
		kitcreator_version <0.8.0 {package_dbus package_tls staticlibssl buildlibssl}
		kitcreator_version <0.9.0 {package_tcc4tcl}
		kitcreator_version <0.9.2 {package_tcllib package_tclx package_udp package_yajltcl}
		kitcreator_version <0.9.3 {package_nsf}
		kitcreator_version <0.10.0 {package_tdom package_tuapi}
		kitcreator_version <0.11.0 {package_lmdb}
		kitcreator_version <trunk {package_tclcurl package_duktape}

	set specific {
		platform win32 file icon {Kit Icon}
		platform win32 text description {Description}
		platform win64 file icon {Kit Icon}
		platform win64 text description {Description}

	if {[info exists args(dict)] || [info exists args(json)]} {
		package require json
		package require json::write

	if {[info exists args(json)]} {
		set args(dict) [::json::json2dict $args(json)]
		unset args(json)
		set apiReturnFormat json

	set resultIsAPI false
	if {[info exists args(dict)]} {
		headers set "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
		if {![info exists apiReturnFormat]} {
			set apiReturnFormat dict

		set apiMethod build
		catch {
			set apiMethod [dict get $args(dict) action]

		switch -exact -- $apiMethod {
			build {
				# Do nothing, handled below
			storages {
				set apiResultDict {
					mk4 {Metakit}
					zip {Zip}
					cvfs {C-VFS}
					auto {Automatically Determine}
			platforms {
				set apiResultDict [array get platforms]
			tcl_versions {
				set apiResultDict [array get tcl_versions]
				dict set apiResultDict default $tcl_version_selected
			kitcreator_versions {
				set apiResultDict [array get kitcreator_versions]
				dict set apiResultDict default $kitcreator_version_selected
			options {
				set apiResultDict [array get options_info]
			packages {
				set apiResultDict [array get packages]
			help {
				set apiResultDict {
					build {Build a TclKit.  Accepts arguments: platform [mandatory, string], tcl_version [string], kitcreator_version [string], storage [string, one of mk4, cvfs, zip], options [array], packages [array]}
					storages {Get a list of supported storage mechanisms to use as the "storage" argument to build}
					platforms {Get a list of platforms to use as the "platform" argument to build}
					tcl_versions {Get a list of Tcl versions and their descriptions to use as the "tcl_version" argument to build}
					kitcreator_versions {Get a list of KitCreator versions and their descriptions to use as the "kitcreator_version" argument to build}
					options {Get a list of options and their descriptions}
					packages {Get a list of packages and their descriptions}
					examples {A few examples}
					help {This help}
			examples {
				set apiResultDict {
					simple {curl -d 'json={"action": "build", "platform": "linux-amd64"}'}
			default {
				set apiResultDict [dict create error "Invalid action \"$apiMethod\""]

		if {$apiMethod eq "build" && ![dict exists $args(dict) platform]} {
			set apiMethod error
			set apiResultDict [dict create error "The argument \"platform\" must be supplied when building"]

		if {$apiMethod ne "build"} {
			if {[dict exists $apiResultDict error]} {
				headers numeric 500

			switch -exact -- $apiReturnFormat {
				"json" {
					headers type application/json

					set apiResultDictEncoded [list]
					foreach {key value} $apiResultDict {
						lappend apiResultDictEncoded $key [json::write string $value]
					set apiResultJSON [json::write object {*}$apiResultDictEncoded]
					puts $apiResultJSON
				"dict" {
					headers type text/plain
					puts [dict create {*}$apiResultDict]


		set resultIsAPI true
		set args(platform) [dict get $args(dict) platform]
		set args(tcl_version) $tcl_version_selected
		set args(kitcreator_version) $kitcreator_version_selected

		foreach arg {tcl_version kitcreator_version option_storage} {
			set dictArg $arg
			switch -exact -- $arg {
				option_storage {
					set dictArg "storage"

			catch {
				set args($arg) [dict get $args(dict) $dictArg]

		set selectedPackages [list]
		catch {
			set selectedPackages [dict get $args(dict) packages]
		foreach arg $selectedPackages {
			set args(option_package_$arg) true

		set selectedOptions [list]
		catch {
			set selectedOptions [dict get $args(dict) options]
		foreach arg $selectedOptions {
			switch -glob -- $arg {
				"package_*" {

			set args(option_$arg) true

	if {[info exists args(platform)] && [info exists args(tcl_version)] && [info exist args(kitcreator_version)]} {
		# Read in arguments
		## Mandatory arguments
		set build_platform [normalize_platform $args(platform) [array names platforms]]
		set build_tcl_version $args(tcl_version)
		set build_kitcreator_version $args(kitcreator_version)

		if {$build_tcl_version eq "default"} {
			set build_tcl_version $tcl_version_selected

		if {$build_kitcreator_version eq "default"} {
			set build_kitcreator_version $kitcreator_version_selected

		## Optional Arguments
		set build_packages [list]
		set build_options(threaded) 0
		set build_options(kitdll) 0
		set build_options(debug) 0
		set build_options(dynamictk) 0
		set build_options(minbuild) 0
		foreach arg [array names args] {
			switch -glob -- $arg {
				"option_package_*" {
					set package [join [lrange [split $arg _] 2 end] _]

					lappend build_packages $package
				"option_threaded" {
					set build_options(threaded) 1
				"option_kitdll" {
					set build_options(kitdll) 1
				"option_debug" {
					set build_options(debug) 1
				"option_dynamictk" {
					set build_options(dynamictk) 1
				"option_minbuild" {
					set build_options(minbuild) 1
				"option_staticlibssl" {
					set build_options(staticlibssl) 1
				"option_buildlibssl" {
					set build_options(buildlibssl) 1
				"option_staticpkgs" {
					set build_options(staticpkgs) 1
				"option_tclutfmax6" {
					set build_options(tclutfmax6) 1
				"option_storage" {
					switch -- $args($arg) {
						"mk4" - "zip" - "cvfs" {
							set build_options(storage) $args($arg)
		set build_packages [lsort -dictionary $build_packages]

		# Validate arguments
		if {![info exists platforms($build_platform)]} {
			unset build_platform

		if {![info exists tcl_versions($build_tcl_version)]} {
			unset build_tcl_version

		if {![info exists kitcreator_versions($build_kitcreator_version)]} {
			unset build_kitcreator_version

		foreach package $build_packages {
			if {![info exists packages($package)]} {
				unset build_packages


		# Resolve version numbers to checkin IDs
		## XXX: TODO
		set cache_tcl_version $build_tcl_version
		if {$build_tcl_version == "fossil_trunk"} {
			set cache_tcl_version [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y%m%d}]

		set cache_kitcreator_version $build_kitcreator_version
		if {$build_kitcreator_version == "trunk"} {
			set cache_kitcreator_version [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y%m%d}]

		# Generate a serialized hash that represents the state of the build
		## Load a secret so keys cannot be pre-computed (but remain consistent)
		set secretfd [open $secretfile "r"]
		set secret [gets $secretfd]
		close $secretfd

		## Compute basic key	
		set key [list $secret $build_platform $cache_tcl_version $cache_kitcreator_version $build_packages]

		## Update key with options in deterministic order
		foreach option [lsort -dictionary [array names build_options]] {
			switch -- $option {
				"threaded" - "kitdll" - "debug" {
					# For boolean options, skip them if they are not enabled
					if {!$build_options($option)} {
			lappend key [list "option:$option" $build_options($option)]

		## Convert key to a user-consumable string via hashing
		set key [string tolower [sha1::sha1 -hex $key]]

		# Determine filename
		if {$build_options(kitdll)} {
			set extension "so"
			switch -- $build_platform {
				"win32" - "win64" {
					set extension "dll"
				"hpux-hppa64" {
					set extension "sl"

			## XXX: TODO: The version here needs to match what's in the SONAME
			set filename "libtclkit[string map [list "." ""] ${cache_tcl_version}].${extension}"
		} else {
			set filename "tclkit"

			switch -- $build_platform {
				"win32" - "win64" {
					append filename ".exe"

		# Queue build up and wait for it to complete
		set fd [open $queue a+]
		puts $fd [list filename $filename key $key platform $build_platform tcl_version $build_tcl_version kitcreator_version $build_kitcreator_version packages $build_packages options [array get build_options]]
		close $fd

		set url "$key/"

		if {!$resultIsAPI} {
			headers redirect $url
		<title>KitCreator, Web Interface</title>
		<h1>KitCreator Web Interface</h1>
		<p>Build in progress, see <a href="<? puts -nonewline $url ?>"><? puts -nonewline $url ?></a> for build information</p>
		} else {
			set kiturl "$apiReturnFormat/$key/"

			switch -exact -- $apiReturnFormat {
				"json" {
					puts "{\"url\": \"${kiturl}\"}"
				"dict" {
					puts [dict create url $kiturl]
	} else {
    <title>KitCreator, Web Interface</title>
	function enableOption(option) {
		var obj;

		obj = document.getElementById('option_' + option);
		if (!obj) {
		obj.disabled = false;

	function disableOption(option) {
		var obj;

		obj = document.getElementById('option_' + option);
		if (!obj) {
		obj.checked = false;
		obj.disabled = true;

	function versionEncoded(versionString) {
		var output = 0;

		if (versionString === "trunk") {

		try {
			versionString.split(".").slice(0, 3).forEach(function(element) {
				element = parseInt(element);
				if (isNaN(element)) {
					throw new Error("Invalid version string");

				output <<= 8;
				output |= element;
		} catch (e) {
			output = versionString;


	function verifyOptions() {
		var kitcreator_version;
		var tcl_version;
		var platform;

		kitcreator_version = document.getElementsByName('kitcreator_version')[0].value;
		tcl_version = document.getElementsByName('tcl_version')[0].value;
		platform = document.getElementsByName('platform')[0].value;

		set alldisabledoptions [list]
		foreach {keyword value disableoptions} $disable {
			foreach option $disableoptions {
				if {[lsearch -exact $alldisabledoptions $option] == -1} {
					lappend alldisabledoptions $option

		foreach option $alldisabledoptions {
			puts "\t\tenableOption(\"$option\");"

		foreach {keyword value disableoptions} $disable {
			set comparator [string index $value 0]
			set value [string range $value 1 end]
			switch -exact -- $comparator {
				"<" - ">" {
				"=" {
					set comparator "==="
				"!" {
					set comparator "!=="
				default {
					set value "${comparator}${value}"
					set comparator "=="

			if {$keyword in {tcl_version kitcreator_version}} {
				set keyword "versionEncoded($keyword)"
				set value [versionEncoded $value]
			} else {
				set value "\"$value\""

			puts "\t\tif ($keyword $comparator $value) \{"

			foreach option $disableoptions {
				puts "\t\t\tdisableOption(\"$option\");"

			puts "\t\t\}"
  <body onLoad="verifyOptions();">
    <h1>KitCreator Web Interface</h1>
    <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          <td>KitCreator Version:</td>
            <select name="kitcreator_version" onChange="verifyOptions();">
	foreach kitcreator_version [lsort -dictionary [array names kitcreator_versions]] {
		set kitcreator_version_name $kitcreator_versions($kitcreator_version)

		if {$kitcreator_version == $kitcreator_version_selected} {
			set selected " selected"
		} else {
			set selected ""

		puts "              <option value=\"${kitcreator_version}\"${selected}>${kitcreator_version_name}</option>"
          <td>Tcl Version:</td>
            <select name="tcl_version" onChange="verifyOptions();">
	foreach tcl_version $tcl_version_list {
		set tcl_version_name $tcl_versions($tcl_version)

		if {$tcl_version == $tcl_version_selected} {
			set selected " selected"
		} else {
			set selected ""

		puts "              <option value=\"${tcl_version}\"${selected}>${tcl_version_name}</option>"
            <select name="platform" onChange="verifyOptions();">
	foreach platform [lsort -dictionary [array names platforms]] {
		set platform_name $platforms($platform)
		puts "              <option value=\"${platform}\">${platform_name}</option>"
          <td>Kit Options:</td>
<?  foreach package [lsort -dictionary [array names packages]] { ?>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_package_<? puts -nonewline $package ?>" id="option_package_<? puts -nonewline $package ?>">Package: <? puts -nonewline $packages($package) ?><br>
<? } ?>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_threaded" id="option_threaded">Kit: Threaded<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_debug" id="option_debug">Kit: Debugging Build<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_kitdll" id="option_kitdll">Kit: Build Library (KitDLL)<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_dynamictk" id="option_dynamictk">Kit: Always link Tk dynamically (if Tk is built)<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_minbuild" id="option_minbuild">Kit: "Minimal" build (remove extra packages shipped as part of Tcl and reduce encodings)<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_staticpkgs" id="option_staticpkgs">Kit: Statically link packages in pkgs directory<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_tclutfmax6" id="option_tclutfmax6">Kit: TCL_UTF_MAX=6 (incompatibility with standard Tcl)<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_staticlibssl" id="option_staticlibssl">TLS: Statically link to LibSSL<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option_buildlibssl" id="option_buildlibssl">TLS: Build LibreSSL for this platform
		<td>Kit Storage:</td>
			<select name="option_storage" id="option_storage">
				<option value="auto">Automatically Determined</option>
				<option value="mk4">Metakit</option>
				<option value="zip">Zip</option>
				<option value="cvfs">C-VFS</option>
          <td>Kit Icon:</td>
            <input type="file" name="option_icon">
            <input type="text" name="option_desc">
      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Create">
</html><? } ?>