proc tclInit {} {
rename tclInit {}
global auto_path tcl_library tcl_libPath
global tcl_version
# Set path where to mount VFS
set tcl_mountpoint "/.KITDLL_TCL"
set tcl_library [file join $tcl_mountpoint lib tcl$tcl_version]
set tcl_libPath [list $tcl_library [file join $tcl_mountpoint lib]]
# get rid of a build residue
unset -nocomplain ::tclDefaultLibrary
# the following code only gets executed once on startup
if {[info exists ::initVFS]} {
set vfsHandler [list ::vfs::kitdll::vfshandler tcl]
# alter path to find encodings
if {[info tclversion] eq "8.4"} {
load {} pwb
librarypath [info library]
} else {
encoding dirs [list [file join [info library] encoding]] ;# TIP 258
# fix system encoding, if it wasn't properly set up (200207.004 bug)
if {[encoding system] eq "identity"} {
if {[info exists ::tclkit_system_encoding] && $::tclkit_system_encoding != ""} {
catch {
encoding system $::tclkit_system_encoding
unset -nocomplain ::tclkit_system_encoding
# If we've still not been able to set the encoding, revert to Tclkit defaults
if {[encoding system] eq "identity"} {
catch {
switch $::tcl_platform(platform) {
windows { encoding system cp1252 }
macintosh { encoding system macRoman }
default { encoding system iso8859-1 }
# now remount the executable with the correct encoding
vfs::filesystem unmount [lindex [::vfs::filesystem info] 0]
# Resolve symlinks
set tcl_mountpoint [file dirname [file normalize [file join $tcl_mountpoint __dummy__]]]
set tcl_library [file join $tcl_mountpoint lib tcl$tcl_version]
set tcl_libPath [list $tcl_library [file join $tcl_mountpoint lib]]
vfs::filesystem mount $tcl_mountpoint $vfsHandler
# load config settings file if present
namespace eval ::vfs { variable tclkit_version 1 }
catch { uplevel #0 [list source [file join $tcl_mountpoint config.tcl]] }
uplevel #0 [list source [file join $tcl_library init.tcl]]
# reset auto_path, so that init.tcl's search outside of tclkit is cancelled
set auto_path $tcl_libPath
# This loads everything needed for "clock scan" to work
# "clock scan" is used within "vfs::zip", which may be
# loaded before this is run causing the root VFS to break
catch { clock scan }
# Load these, the original Tclkit does so it should be safe.
uplevel #0 [list source [file join $tcl_mountpoint lib vfs vfsUtils.tcl]]
# Now that the initialization is complete, mount the user VFS if needed
## Mount the VFS from the Shared Object
if {[info exists ::initVFS] && [info exists ::tclKitFilename]} {
catch {
package require vfs::zip
vfs::zip::Mount $::tclKitFilename "/.KITDLL_USER"
lappend auto_path [file normalize "/.KITDLL_USER/lib"]
## Mount the VFS from executable
if {[info exists ::initVFS]} {
catch {
package require vfs::zip
vfs::zip::Mount [info nameofexecutable] "/.KITDLL_APP"
lappend auto_path [file normalize "/.KITDLL_APP/lib"]
# Clean up after the kitInit.c:preInitCmd
unset -nocomplain ::initVFS ::tclKitFilename