index.ttml at 0.5.3

File build/test/index.ttml artifact 32e3b3a01b part of check-in 0.5.3

    <title>KitCreator Build and Test Status</title>
    <h1>KitCreator Build and Test Status</h1>
    <p>The follow versions of KitCreator have test suite results:</p>
	set haveTests 0
	foreach subdir [lsort -dictionary [glob -type d *]] {
		file lstat $subdir subdirinfo
		if {$subdirinfo(type) == "link"} {

		if {$subdir == "tests"} {
			set haveTests 1


		puts "      <li><a href=\"${subdir}/\">$subdir</a></li>"
	if {$haveTests} {
    <p>The actual tests can be found in <a href="tests/?listing=long">the "tests" directory</a></p>