Artifact [9562bf3d08]

Artifact 9562bf3d085d6c801f6913318e3c516a062af1e8:

Ticket change [9562bf3d08] - Ticket [90ea2a3a93] TclKits with Tk targetting Windows blurry due to improper high-dpi scaling status still Open with 5 other changes by anonymous on 2023-12-15 20:00:31.
D 2023-12-15T20:00:31.036
J login anonymous
J mimetype text/x-markdown
J priority Immediate
J resolution Drive\sBy\sPatch
J subsystem Kitsh\s(The\sTclkit\sCore)
K 90ea2a3a93c40dd09787858d786fe6f438c4067f
U anonymous
Z 39aafde44bc4766bbf840562ca471963