Artifact 353369891966f83a53f4b38709961c18f554e04d:
- File
— part of check-in
2010-09-26 04:51:16
on branch trunk
— Got KitDLL storage into workable state
Renamed some files for consistency
Added basic Makefile (user: rkeene, size: 6927) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
#! /usr/bin/env tcl package require vfs #package require kitdll namespace eval ::vfs::kitdll {} # Convience functions proc ::vfs::kitdll::Mount {hashkey local} { vfs::filesystem mount $local [list ::vfs::kitdll::vfshandler $hashkey] vfs::RegisterMount $local [list ::vfs::kitdll::Unmount] } proc ::vfs::kitdll::Unmount {local} { vfs::filesystem unmount $local } # Implementation ## Filesystem Data proc ::vfs::kitdll::data::getData {hashkey file {start 0} {end "end"}} { if {![info exists ::vfs::kitdll::data($file)]} { return -code error "Invalid operation" } return [string range $::vfs::kitdll::data($file) $start $end] } ## VFS and Chan I/O ### Dispatchers proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfshandler {hashkey subcmd args} { set cmd $args set cmd [linsert $cmd 0 "::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_${subcmd}" $hashkey] return [eval $cmd] } proc ::vfs::kitdll::chanhandler {hashkey subcmd args} { set cmd $args set cmd [linsert $cmd 0 "::vfs::kitdll::chanop_${subcmd}" $hashkey] return [eval $cmd] } ### Actual handlers #### Channel operation handlers proc ::vfs::kitdll::chanop_initialize {hashkey chanId mode} { return [list initialize finalize watch read seek] } proc ::vfs::kitdll::chanop_finalize {hashkey chanId} { unset -nocomplain ::vfs::kitdll::chandata([list $hashkey $chanId]) return } proc ::vfs::kitdll::chanop_watch {hashkey chanId eventSpec} { array set chaninfo $::vfs::kitdll::chandata([list $hashkey $chanId]) set chaninfo(watching) $eventSpec set ::vfs::kitdll::chandata([list $hashkey $chanId]) [array get chaninfo] if {[lsearch -exact $chaninfo(watching) "read"] != -1} { after 0 [list catch "chan postevent $chanId [list {read}]"] } return } proc ::vfs::kitdll::chanop_read {hashkey chanId bytes} { array set chaninfo $::vfs::kitdll::chandata([list $hashkey $chanId]) set pos $chaninfo(pos) set len $chaninfo(len) if {[lsearch -exact $chaninfo(watching) "read"] != -1} { after 0 [list catch "chan postevent $chanId [list {read}]"] } if {$pos == $len} { return "" } set end [expr {$pos + $bytes}] if {$end > $len} { set end $len } set data [::vfs::kitdll::data::getData $hashkey $chaninfo(file) $pos $end] set dataLen [string length $data] incr pos $dataLen set chaninfo(pos) $pos set ::vfs::kitdll::chandata([list $hashkey $chanId]) [array get chaninfo] return $data } proc ::vfs::kitdll::chanop_seek {hashkey chanId offset origin} { array set chaninfo $::vfs::kitdll::chandata([list $hashkey $chanId]) set pos $chaninfo(pos) set len $chaninfo(len) switch -- $origin { "start" - "0" { set pos $offset } "current" - "1" { set pos [expr {$pos + $offset}] } "end" - "2" { set pos [expr {$len + $offset}] } } if {$pos < 0} { set pos 0 } if {$pos > $len} { set pos $len } set chaninfo(pos) $pos set ::vfs::kitdll::chandata([list $hashkey $chanId]) [array get chaninfo] return $pos } #### VFS operation handlers proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_stat {hashkey root relative actualpath} { catch { set ret [::vfs::kitdll::data::getMetadata $hashkey $relative] } if {![info exists ret]} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(ENOENT) } return $ret } proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_access {hashkey root relative actualpath mode} { set ret [::vfs::kitdll::data::getMetadata $hashkey $relative] if {$mode & 0x2} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(EROFS) } return 1 } proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_matchindirectory {hashkey root relative actualpath pattern types} { set ret [list] catch { array set metadata [::vfs::kitdll::data::getMetadata $hashkey $relative] } if {![info exists metadata]} { return [list] } if {$pattern == ""} { set children [list $relative] } else { set children [::vfs::kitdll::data::getChildren $hashkey $relative] } foreach child $children { if {![string match $pattern $child]} { continue } unset -nocomplain metadata catch { array set metadata [::vfs::kitdll::data::getMetadata $hashkey $child] } if {[string index $root end] == "/"} { set child "${root}${child}" } else { set child "${root}/${child}" } if {[string index $child end] == "/"} { set child [string range $child 0 end-1] } if {![info exists metadata(type)]} { continue } set filetype 0 switch -- $metadata(type) { "directory" { set filetype [expr {$filetype | 0x04}] } "file" { set filetype [expr {$filetype | 0x10}] } "link" { set filetype [expr {$filetype | 0x20}] } default { continue } } if {($filetype & $types) != $types} { continue } lappend ret $child } return $ret } proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_fileattributes {hashkey root relative actualpath {index -1} {value ""}} { set attrs [list -owner -group -permissions] if {$value != ""} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(EROFS) } if {$index == -1} { return $attrs } array set metadata [::vfs::kitdll::data::getMetadata $hashkey $relative] set attr [lindex $attrs $index] switch -- $attr { "-owner" { return $metadata(uid) } "-group" { return $metadata(gid) } "-permissions" { if {$metadata(type) == "directory"} { set metadata(mode) [expr {$metadata(mode) | 040000}] } return [format {0%o} $metadata(mode)] } } return -code error "Invalid index" } proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_open {hashkey root relative actualpath mode permissions} { if {$mode != "" && $mode != "r"} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(EROFS) } catch { array set metadata [::vfs::kitdll::data::getMetadata $hashkey $relative] } if {![info exists metadata]} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(ENOENT) } if {$metadata(type) == "directory"} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(EISDIR) } if {[info command chan] != ""} { set chan [chan create [list "read"] [list ::vfs::kitdll::chanhandler $hashkey]] set ::vfs::kitdll::chandata([list $hashkey $chan]) [list file $relative pos 0 len $metadata(size) watching ""] return [list $chan] } if {[info command rechan] == ""} { catch { package require rechan } } if {[info command rechan] != ""} { set chan [rechan [list ::vfs::kitdll::chanhandler $hashkey] 2] set ::vfs::kitdll::chandata([list $hashkey $chan]) [list file $relative pos 0 len $metadata(size) watching ""] return [list $chan] } return -code error "No way to generate a channel, need either Tcl 8.5+, \"rechan\"" } ##### No-Ops since we are a readonly filesystem proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_createdirectory {args} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(EROFS) } proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_deletefile {args} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(EROFS) } proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_removedirectory {args} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(EROFS) } proc ::vfs::kitdll::vfsop_utime {} { vfs::filesystem posixerror $::vfs::posix(EROFS) } package provide vfs::kitdll 1.0 ::vfs::kitdll::Mount vfs_kitdll_data /tmp